Bridal & Wedding Expo
Come see Body, Mind, & Cake at the Bridal and wedding Expo! The The show is a unique, interactive event, with food to taste, dresses to see, flowers to enjoy, music to dance to and fun to be had. Bring your friends and family and enjoy a day filled with laughter, ideas and inspiration at the Bridal & Wedding Expo!
The Anya Experience
Book with Anya Bridal to come to the The Anya Experience on March 25th at 10am and try homemade cake samples from Body, Mind, & Cake to see if we will provide your next dream wedding cake!
Georgia Bridal Show
Body, mind, & Cake will be at the Georgia Bridal Show on January 8th from 12-4pm show casing my work and passing out samples. The event is held at the Cobb Galleria.
East Atlanta Strut - Baking Competition
For the second year in a row I will be particpiating in the East Atlanta Strut Bake off. This is a local baking competition.
Click image for more details!